How to Use
Oxevac is a powerful, peptizing cleanser designed specifically for cleaning and maintaining dental evacuation systems. Oxevac’s powerful fizzing oxygenated action clears lines and evacuation pump of buildup, residue and odors. The patent pending formulation is environmentally safe for all dental evacuation systems, is made in the USA and designed to be used daily to clean and maintain evacuation pumps and lines.
How To Use Oxevac:
- Always wear gloves and goggles when mixing the cleaner.
- One foil package of Oxevac Evacuation Cleaner is good for up to three treatment rooms.
- Pour Oxevac into a one gallon bucket and mix with hot water.
- Suction 32 ounces (1 Quart) of Oxevac Evacuation Cleaner Solution at the end of each day in each treatment room.
- Start with the treatment room furthest from the vacuum pump and then continue to the next closest treatment room until all rooms have been treated. It should take approximately 30 seconds to suction 32 ounces.
- Replace and recycle chairside trap on a regular basis.
- Check vacuum trap regularly and clean after each cleaning with Oxevac.